Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Mounth Ozren marathon

Mount Ozren, located in Bosnia and Herzegovina, near the town Doboj to be more exact, hosts a mountaineering manifestation called „Ozren mountain marathon“ every spring, in the first week of June. Paths of this climbing marathon are divided by lenght: „Path of relish“ - 5 km, „Small marathon“ - 20km, „Medium marathon“ - 50km, and the „Big marathon“ - 100km. This manifestation takes place during the whole weekend. It starts on a Friday evening with a lovely competition in making the best fishpot, which of course involves having a good time and meeting new people in the camp late into the night. The actuall climb start on a Saturday morning, near a monastery called St. Nicolas and it's closed thenext day, ona Sunday evening.

There's a great posibility for our, Serbian, team participating for the first time since this marathon started it's tradition. The team would take on the Medium marathon – 50km. This route combines the next elevation points: Monastery of Ozren, Lake Orlovo, the Logging house, Krstac, Scouts' house in Kakmuz, Cacvinovac, Stone peek (816 meters of altitude), Big Ostravica, Hillocks and Queen.
Anyone who would find themeselves eager to participate, could contact us, here on the blog, or via facebook page, but only when and if we publish the dates od departure, previously deciding that our team will enter the marathon.

Organization of the Ozren mountain marathon: township Petrovo, the community sport center, Tourist organization of the municipality Petrovo and mountaineers Club Ozren-Queen 883 from Petrovo.

For more information about Mount Ozren and this manifestation, visit their web page: www.ozren.org

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